ePaper Bangla

Truck ran over businessman on his morning walk in Noakhali

Truck ran over businessman on his morning walk in Noakhali
Bangladesh Chittagong

Noakhali Correspondent:

A businessman named Shahadat Hossain Sadhan (38) was killed when a speeding truck hit him in Senbagh of Noakhali while he was on his morning walk.

The accident took place in front of JBM Brickfield in Dargabari Pole area of Feni-Noakhali Regional Highway on Tuesday morning.

The deceased Md. Shahadat Hossain is the son of Abdus Sattar of Shayesta-Nagar village of Kabilpur union of upazila. He was the leader of a business establishment called Shahadat Store in the area.

According to local sources, after the Fajr prayer, Sadhan went out for a morning walk. While crossing the highway in front of JBM Brickfield, he was run over by a speeding truck heading towards Feni. He died on the spot. Local people saw his bloody body lying on the side of the road and rescued him and took him home.

Deputy Inspector (SI) of Senbag police station Md. Sohel confirmed the truth of the incident and said that it is a matter of the highway police. They will see it. No one made any complaint to the police station in this incident. But we have taken the news that the incident is true.