ePaper Bangla

MP Bahar humiliated himself by not leaving Comilla: EC

MP Bahar humiliated himself by not leaving Comilla: EC
Bangladesh Chittagong

Comilla-6 MP AKM Bahauddin Bahar has humiliated himself by not leaving Comilla, Election Commissioner Brig Gen (retd) Ahsan Habib Khan has said.

“He is a lawmaker from the ruling party, and if he cannot obey the law himself, then what can we expect from him? We sent him a letter, and he has humiliated himself by not following our orders,” he added.

His remarks came on Monday while attending a briefing for presiding officers in Faizunnesa Girls' School in Comilla.

The election commissioner further affirmed that Comilla had a good voting environment. “Nothing bad has been reported to me yet. We have done everything to ensure a proper voting environment for the residents.”

Comilla City Corporation (COCC) polls will be postponed if anything negative is reported, according to Election Commissioner Rashida Sultana.

Regarding MP Bahar she said, he has been staying in the constituency even after he was ordered to leave Comilla five days ago. “He has been using loopholes in the law to stay here, but our time will come too. Wait and watch.”

On Wednesday, the Election Commission ordered Bahar to leave the constituency for violating the code of conduct in COCC polls, after allegations were leveled by two-time mayor Monirul Haque Sakku. 

The mock voting organized ahead of the Comilla City Corporation elections has generated a low turnout. The EC on Monday organized the mock voting in different centres across the city.

The election is scheduled to take place on Wednesday.

According to the Election Commission Office, there are 229,920 voters in 26 wards of COCC polls this year.