ePaper Bangla

Aman Paddy ripened before Navanna in Netrokona

Aman Paddy ripened before Navanna in Netrokona
Bangladesh Agriculture Chittagong

Netrakona Correspondent:

Before Navanna, the farmers of Netrakona have started harvesting and threshing Aman paddy. Farmers here are happy to get a good yield of seedling Aman paddy despite being hit by heavy rains this season.

Meanwhile, the district agriculture department says that since the sincerity of the farmers and the officials of the field level of the agriculture department have been with them since the beginning of the plantation, it has been possible to produce a good yield. Farmers said that by planting early varieties of paddy, they can easily raise an additional crop at home.

According to the information of the district agriculture department, the target of Aman cultivation in 10 upazilas was one lakh 32 thousand 580 hectares in the current season. But as cultivation has been achieved on more than 1 thousand 510 hectares of land, the total target stands at 1 lakh 34 thousand 90 hectares.

On Wednesday Sarzamin saw ripe golden rice adorning vast fields. After harvesting the paddy in the field, the workers are threshing it by tying the ropes and taking it to the yard of the household. Farmers are busy harvesting paddy in different places.

Sadar upazila Orangabaz village farmer Md. Faiz Uddin said, "We are starting to cut paddy 75 in advance. The crop has been fairly good. Agriculture office has given this seed to Amarare. They are the ones who give the seeds and give the fertilizer. The weed also paid for Kadon. The yield is good. A little water damage. Not much damage. Petted we have benefited.”

Faiz Uddin, another farmer of the same village, said, "I was planting short-term rice in advance. I am cutting myself. By planting paddy early, we could have added a crop to our profit. He planted mustard in this field. I will plant boro again after mustard seeds.

"All milayas benefit us. This time the paddy is also good. 6 to 7 maunds of paddy are harvested per bushel. I am buying raw paddy at Tk 1050 to Tk 1060 in Ahan Bazar.

Farmer Abdul Hakeem said, "Early varieties of paddy fields are the most profitable. We can do three crops. Now I can plant rice and mustard. I will boro later. Now I am working day and night. The yield is good.”

“The agriculture department provided 203 metric tons of seeds and fertilizers to 9,200 farmers. The workers have come down to harvest paddy in all the lands that have been suitable for harvesting rice.”

Mohammad Nuruzzaman, Deputy Director of District Agriculture Extension Department, said, “This time, Aman Abad has exceeded the target. Farmers have been assisted with fertilizers and seeds. The yield has been good. Farmers are happy. He said that 203 metric tons of seeds and fertilizers were provided to 9 thousand 200 farmers from the agriculture department. The workers have come down to cut rice in all the lands that have been suitable for harvesting rice." So far, rice has been harvested in one and a half thousand hectares of land in the district. Farmers are using combined harvesters as well as workers to cut rice. By meeting the needs of the district, it will be possible to meet the needs of half of the crops produced in other districts of the country, said the deputy director of the Directorate of Agricultural Extension.