ePaper Bangla

Meet the press “Urban manifesto 2023”

Meet the press “Urban manifesto 2023”
Bangladesh Business

Staff Correspondent:

On Saturday October 21, 2023 in Dhaka Reporters Unity (DRU) at Sagor-Runi Auditorium a press meeting was held for the Urban Manifesto 2023 by Urban INGO Forum.

The Urban INGO Forum is foreseeing the future of Bangladesh as thriving developing country. To achieve its goal, UNIUGOF is proposing a set of agenda items to be included in the upcoming general election manifestos of the political parties. They believe eventually these agendas will be translated into action agendas in upcoming development plans of Bangladesh. All 17 sustainable development Goals (SDGs) will be addressed through the agenda set by the urban INGO Forums the Urban Manifesto 2023.

The representative addresses the basic needs of urban people and what are their vision and mission to fulfill this process in the conference.

Invest in civic education on WASH and waste management for behavioral change. Invest in a sustainable and just energy transition, including the waste to energy option. Develop and implement a national urban policy. Like those they address 30 points in their manifesto.

Also they declare their 2019 manifesto where they discussed what they achieved in these years. Also they mention their success with Bangladesh National Bank Building Code (BNBC) and also talk about a seminar where they talk with various ministries with their respected representative to come forward and corporately work together. 

They expect the government to create and facilitate spaces for ensuring active civic engagement in all spheres urban life. They are also expecting foreign investment as these will be a costly work because they want to do it from the ward level.