ePaper Bangla

Employe disoriented on College Principle’s flame of wrath at Kurigram

Employe disoriented on College Principle’s flame of wrath at Kurigram

Saifur Rahman Shamim, Kurigram:

Saidur Rahman got a job as guard cum MLS in Bhogdanga Model College of Kurigram 22 years ago. Since the college is not under the MPO, the teaching staff had to work half-starved for 22 years. It has been alleged that if the college is under MPO in 2023, the principal is doing the wrongful act to remove the employee's name from the MPO list for mysterious reasons. It is known that according to the government rules, Saidur Rahman joined the college on November 28/2001 after receiving the appointment letter for the post of Guard cum MLS on November 20/2001. At that time, Zakir Hossain served as the principal of the college. Later, Dabir Uddin took charge as the principal left his job and went elsewhere. In this situation, since the college was not under MPO for 22 years, the teaching staff worked without any facilities. If the college becomes an MPO member in 2023, the principal of the college is making plans to drop Saidur's name from the MPO list for MLS post due to unknown reasons.

Saidur Rahman, an employee of the college, said that in my family, my daughter Umme Kulsoom (12) who is in the seventh grade, Mujahid (10) who is in the fourth grade, and the three-month-old child Sahida are currently spending half-starved days. By the grace of Allah, after 22 years, the college has been included in the MPO. I don't understand why principal is trying not to include my name in MPO list despite having my appointment letter and joining letter in 2001. The employee also said that after informing the college president and additional district commissioner about this matter, the principal got angry and threatened me and said that whom you have complained go to him, he will give you job. But I will not give you the job.

The aggrieved employee, Saidur Rahman, was unsettled and filed a written complaint with the additional deputy commissioner of Kurigram and president of Bhogdanga Model College on Sunday.

When the principal Dabir Uddin was asked on the cell phone about these issues, he hung up saying that he was busy and would talk directly.