ePaper Bangla

BNP’s useless speech an attempt to save its dignity: Nanak

BNP’s useless speech an attempt to save its dignity: Nanak

“The BNP-Jamaat alliance perpetrated massacres in the country in 2014–15,” he said on Friday (Feb 16) at Mohammadpur in Dhaka.

He said they carried out arson attacks, killed people, tried to disrupt people's daily lives with hartals and blockade programme.
They wanted to disrupt the development journey of Bangladesh in the name of blockade, he said. Mentioning Mirza Fakhrul and Amir Khosru he said, “You fail to wage any movement by involving the people.”
Because of this loss you should quit politics, he said. “If you want to do politics in this country, then you must apologise to the people by admitting to murdering and burning people in train.”
Fakhrul was accused in 11 cases, including one for attacking the residence of the chief justice, while Amir Khasru was named in 10 cases. They secured bail in other cases.
The court granted them bail in the chief justice’s house attack case on February 14, clearing the way for their release.
BNP activists unleashed violence throughout the capital after they clashed with police on October 28 last year before their scheduled rally. A policeman was killed and dozens were injured, including 20 journalists.
Police’s Detective Branch detained Fakhrul from his Gulshan residence on October 29. He was produced before the court in a case filed over the chief justice’s residence attack. The court rejected his bail petition and sent him to jail.
Ami Khasru was arrested in the early hours of November 2 in Gulshan. The next day, he was shown arrested in a case filed in connection with the death of a policeman during the clash. The court put him on a six-day remand. After the remand, he was sent to prison on November 9.