ePaper Bangla

Allegations of irregularities in the construction of Bir Nivas in Phulbari of Kurigram

Allegations of irregularities in the construction of Bir Nivas in Phulbari of Kurigram

Kurigram Correspondent:

The construction work of Bir Nibas is going on under the housing construction project for poor freedom fighters in Phulbari of Kurigram in the financial year 2023-24. In the meantime, there have been allegations of widespread irregularities in the construction work. Five brave freedom fighters who are beneficiaries of the project have filed a written complaint with the Upazila Nirbahi Officer seeking redressal.
In view of the complaints, the Upazila Nirbahi Officer has constituted an investigation committee to check the quality of the work. The investigation committee consisting of upazila executive engineer, former freedom fighter commander and deputy assistant engineer of Public Health Engineering Department has already started the investigation work.
According to the office of Upazila Project Implementation Officer, Bir Nibas is being constructed for 36 poor freedom fighters in the current financial year. 14 lakh 10 thousand 382 taka is spent on the construction of each Bir Niwas. 6 different contracting firms are working to construct 36 Bir Niwas in 6 lots. The brave freedom fighters of Lot No. 5 have complained of irregularities in the construction work. The contractor for the lot is Haroon Or Rashid Haroon.
Complaining brave freedom fighter Shamsul Haque Bapari said, Hon'ble Prime Minister has kindly given the house budget for a poor freedom fighter like me. But the contractor Haroon Or Rashid started arguing with us about the work. The bricks, clay and sand brought for the construction of my house are of inferior quality. I filed a complaint for this reason. I want to fix it. Brave freedom fighter Abu Bakar Siddique said, the goods brought by the contractor here are of low quality. Steemit is working much less than it is supposed to work. So I have given a written complaint to the Upazila Nirbahi Officer. Hero freedom fighter Hanif Uddin Bepari said, the government has allotted for the construction of my house. Aaron has started working as a contractor. The work quality is not good at all. I asked to stop working. Harun, the contractor, threatened me and told me that if I stop, I will stop the work. You will no longer have a home. I want justice. In addition, two other freedom fighters of Lot No. 5 have also complained about various irregularities in the construction work. The construction work of a freedom fighter's heroic residence has not yet started.
In this regard, Upazila Nirbahi Officer Sibbir Ahmed said, I have received a complaint of using low-quality construction materials in the construction of Bir Nibas. In view of the complaints of the freedom fighters, an inquiry committee has been formed. Further action will be taken after receiving the investigation report.