ePaper Bangla

servants have to earn the trust of common people

servants have to earn the trust of common people

Staff Correspondent:

Housing and Public Works Minister Ram Ubaidul Moktadir Chowdhury said that the trust and confidence of the common people towards government employees is not at the desired level. We have to earn the trust and respect of the common people by serving them with efficiency, sincerity, devotion and patriotism. The minister said this in the chief guest's speech at the conference titled 'Smart Bangladesh Construction Directorate' in the conference room of the Directorate of Architecture in the capital today.

The minister said that architects and engineers are the most talented children of the society. If you work with your own talent, skills and abilities, it will be easy to gain people's trust. Society has less negative perception about architects as compared to other government department officials. However, there are many complaints of long hours in the work. This procrastination may be due to insufficient manpower