ePaper Bangla

US ambassador urges 3 major political parties to engage in dialogue without preconditions

US ambassador urges 3 major political parties to engage in dialogue without preconditions

The US has once again urged 'three major political parties" in Bangladesh to engage in dialogue without preconditions. 

In this regard, US Ambassador Peter Haas has requested meetings with senior officials of all three major political parties to underscore the US' position regarding the upcoming elections.

The US has reiterated that it wants free and fair elections conducted in a peaceful manner and has called on all sides to "eschew violence and exercise restraint", a US Embassy spokesman told the media. 

Earlier this year, Ambassador Haas held meetings with senior leaders of the Awami League, the BNP and the Jatiya party.

The US embassy spokesperson on Monday also emphasised that it does not favour any political party over the other.

Moreover the Western superpower will continue to implement its new visa policy under Section 212(a)(3)(C) – known as "3C" – of the Immigration and Nationality Act to "in an even-handed manner against those who undermine the democratic election process," said the US embassy spokesperson.

The US unveiled the visa policy earlier this year to support Bangladesh's goal of holding free, fair, and peaceful national elections.

In August, the US Department of State said it would continue its policy of supporting a free and fair election in Bangladesh.

A US pre-election assessment mission which arrived in October also urged for substantive dialogue for participatory polls.

At a briefing in Washington on 23 October, US Department of State Spokesperson Mathew Miller informed that the US was closely monitoring developments in Bangladesh leading up to the elections.

The US also reaffirmed that would take action if necessary to support democracy in Bangladesh.