Alfa-CNG-Easybike Workers and Owners Association has called for a strike on November 4-5 with five-point demand including smooth movement of three-wheelers in Barisal district.
This decision was taken at an emergency meeting on Sunday night, said Parimal Chandra Das, general secretary of Three Wheeler Workers Union.
When asked if this strike is based on BNP's Barisal rally on November 5, Parimal said: "It is not a political matter. This decision has been taken to implement our demands as businessmen.”
"For a long time, the association has been demanding to meet their five-point demand. But their demands were not accepted in any way. Hence now they have announced a strike to stop the movement of all types of three-wheelers in Barisal district on November 4 and 5.”
In this regard, Barisal city unit BNP Member Secretary Mir Jahidul Kabir said: “This is nothing new. In the places where BNP is announcing mass rallies, strikes are being announced by the government.”
However, the government could not stop BNP activists and general public from attending the rally. Barisal will turn into a human sea on November 5, said the BNP leader.
The association's demands include – Stop harassment of three-wheeler drivers by bus and workers, grant of driving license to three-wheeler drivers under easy conditions.
BNP scheduled their divisional mass rally in Barisal on November 5.
Three-wheelers announce strike ahead of BNP rally in Barisal