ePaper Bangla

Bus torched in Gulistan, Dhaka

Bus torched in Gulistan, Dhaka
Bangladesh Politics

Staff Correspondent:

Unidentified miscreants set a bus on fire near Phulbaria bus stand in Gulistan area of Bangladesh capital Dhaka on Sunday.

No casualty was reported.

The news of torching the bus came while the country is witnessing 48-hour blockade of road, rail and waterways enforced by the main opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party and its allies to press home their demand for cancellation of the next general election schedule, resignation of the government and holding the next parliamentary polls under a neutral government.

The bus was set on fire at about around 2:50pm, creating panic among the local people.

On information, two firefighting units rushed to the spot and extinguished the blaze, said duty officer of Fire Service and Civil Defence headquarters Rafi Al Faruk.