ePaper Bangla

Biodiversity in existential crisis in Ramgati

Biodiversity in existential crisis in Ramgati

Ramgati Correspondent:

Due to the illegal use of banned pesticides and insecticides and the black paws of half a hundred illegal brickfields made like frog umbrellas, several species of biodiversity including jocks, snails, and frogs are on the verge of extinction in Ramgati of Lakshipur.

It is known that due to widespread construction of houses, illegal use of pesticides and insecticides banned in agriculture due to ignorance, not much has been seen this year, which shows that several species of biodiversity are on the way to extinction in the existential crisis.

In surface, once the granary of greater Noakhali, home to the delicious hilsa and the motherland of the hybrid crop soybean, Ramgatti. Due to the instigation of some unscrupulous businessmen and the boundless greed of people, the ignorance of farmers and the unrestrained and careless use of banned pesticides, pesticides and insecticides, various species of insects, insects and animal species including lizards, snails, and frogs are disappearing. This year, some species including frogs, snails and cola frogs were not seen in canal banks or field aisles. However, an excess of horned snails has been seen. This snail is seen everywhere.
Local farmers Ruhal Amin, Mushu and many others said that this year, various species of animals, insects, insects, including frogs, snails and frogs have been lost due to the illegal use of pesticides and herbicides. Frogs used to eat field insects as a natural pesticide.

Upazila Agriculture Extension Officer Hazrat Ali said, we are trying to make the farmers aware and smart farmers in various ways including training, yard meetings. However, due to the incitement of unscrupulous businessmen and the unlimited greed of people, the ignorance of farmers, the unrestrained use of banned dusticides, pesticides and insecticides and due to carelessness, various species of insects, insects and animal species including lizards, snails, and frogs have been lost. Biodiversity chain will collapse if no effective action is taken now.