ePaper Bangla

Bangladesh-India partnership to bring regional peace, prosperity: Momen

Bangladesh-India partnership to bring regional peace, prosperity: Momen

Foreign Minister Dr AK Abdul Momen today said partnering of South Asian "most important" country India and "emerging" with "confidence" Bangladesh is important for bringing shared peace and prosperity in the region.

"Bangladesh-India relations are currently passing through a 'Golden Chapter' or 'Sonali Adhyay' and have emerged as a "Role Model" for "Neighborhood Diplomacy," he told the inaugural session of the 11th round of the Bangldesh-India Friendship Dialogue held in Sylhet.

"We stress strengthening our cooperation and collaboration with India in our journey," he added.

Speaker of the national parliament Dr Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury spoke as the chief guest, a foreign ministry press release said.

The foreign minister said, Bangladesh, guided by Prime Minister Sheikh has been following a policy of shared prosperity and stability as a vision for the friendly neighbours of South Asia.

"Collaboration among neighbors in South Asia through strategic partnership for shared peace and stability, we believe, we can establish peaceful region."

Dr Momen said the best part of Bangladesh-India relations is that the two premiers Sheikh Hasina and Narendra Modi are finely tuned with each other and the relation between the two nations is now at a new height.

"This has been reflected in an all-encompassing bilateral partnership, based on sovereignty, equality, trust and understanding," he said.

Momen said Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's bold and visionary leadership showed Bangladesh, how to stand up from a war ravaged situation and his able daughter current Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is doing miracle in completing her father's unfinished tasks.

"The contributions of these two great leaders of Bangladesh have been best described by none other than the Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi Ji, who said, "Bangabandhu founded Bangladesh and his daughter Sheikh Hasina saved it," he said.

He said it is a great advantage and opportunity for Bangladesh as its biggest neighbor and trusted friend India is fast emerging as a global economic power with strong economic foundation.

"A strong and vibrant India offers Bangladesh with tremendous economic opportunities and Bangladesh should take full advantage of the high growth of the Indian economy to further her own economic development," he said.

The foreign minister said Dhaka and New Delhi need to focus particularly on five area of cooperation - economic, connectivity, energy, water sharing and people to people contact.

Regarding water cooperation, Momen said necessary measures may be taken to conclude water sharing treaty for common rivers, especially Teesta.

"Such (water sharing) cooperation not only ensures the efficient utilization of water resources but also fosters trust and goodwill between the two nations," he added.

On people-to people contact front, the foreign minister requested Indian government to ease visa issuing process for the Bangladeshi travelers, especially for medical patient.

Bangladesh Awami League Presidium member Jahangir Kabir Nanok, Indian lawmakers Vincent Pala and Swapan Dasgupta and High Commissioner of India to Bangladesh Pranay Verma.

For last 10 years, the Bangladesh-India Friendship Dialogue has been serving as one of the instrumental platforms for fostering strong bilateral relations between Bangladesh and India. This year the theme of the Dialogue is "Fostering a comprehensive and mutually beneficial partnership".

On Friday, the dialogue will have thematic sessions on issues on Connectivity for Trade and People-to-People Connections, Technology Collaboration and Innovation, Investment for Sustainable and Inclusive Growth.

Momen will also inaugurate the second round of Sylhet-Silchar Festival which is scheduled to be held from 6-8 October to promote cultural and people-to-people contact linking the two cities: Sylhet and Silchar.