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Bangladesh application to join BRICS: China ready to welcome new members

Bangladesh application to join BRICS: China ready to welcome new members

China is ready to welcome more members to BRICS, Spokesperson of Chinese Foreign Ministry Mao Ning said in response to a question on Bangladesh's application to join the five-country.

Emphasising that the BRICS is committed to increasing the representation and say of emerging markets and developing countries, Mao Ning told Russian media agency RIA Novosti, "As an important platform for cooperation among emerging markets and developing countries, BRICS is committed to upholding multilateralism, vigorously advancing the reform of the global governance system…

"The expansion of BRICS is a political consensus reached by all five BRICS members. China is committed to advancing the BRICS expansion and stands ready to bring more like-minded partners into the big family of BRICS."

Earlier, Bangladesh had formally requested to join the BRICS coalition, consisting of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. 

Foreign Minister AK Abdul Momen said a formal letter of interest in this regard has been sent to the current chair of BRICS and South Africa's Foreign Minister Naledi Pandor.

"Yes, we have expressed our interest and applied to join the alliance."

On Monday, Foreign Minister AK Abdul Momen said Bangladesh would accept if the BRICS formally invited the country to join the group comprising five member states – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.

"We will surely join once they invite us. We are yet to receive any formal letter [inviting us to join]. The BRICS leaders are thinking of taking some emerging economies – around eight new countries including Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Indonesia and Bangladesh," he said.