ePaper Bangla

Akheri Munajat within 11am, Ijtema maidan teeming with devotees

Akheri Munajat within 11am, Ijtema maidan teeming with devotees
Bangladesh Dhaka

Thousands of devotees are seen thronging at the Ijtema maidan on the bank of river Turag in Tongi to take part in the last prayer (Akheri Munajat) of first phase of Biswa Ijtema.

Maulana Abdur Rahman of India delivered sermons after Fajr prayers on Sunday. The Akheri Munajat will be held within 11am.

Maulana Zubair Hassan, the Bangladeshi leader of Tabligh Jamaat, will conduct the final prayers.

Gazipur Metropolitan Police (GMP) has issued some directives regarding traffic movement to reduce the sufferings of the Ijtema devotees.

The second phase of Biswa Ijtema will officially begin next Friday (January 20). Maulana Saad followers of 64 districts of the country will take part in it. There will also be foreign devotees. Similarly, this year's (2023) Biswa Ijtema will end with the last prayer on January 22.