ePaper Bangla

Training held on project proposal development to tap international climate funding

Training held on project proposal development to tap international climate funding

A 6-day long ‘Training-of-Trainers (ToT) on Climate Change Project Proposal Development for accessing International Climate Funds’ was arranged by the Economic Relations Division (ERD), supported by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. 

The objective of the ToT was to support the capacity strengthening of experts for accessing international climate funds through developing quality climate change project proposals. Mr. Kabir Ahamed, Joint Secretary, Wing Chief, UN Wing, ERD, was present at the opening ceremony as the Chief Guest, with Mr. S. M. Mahbub Alam, Deputy Secretary, ERD, in attendance. 

The ToT, held from 27 May to 1 June 2022 at BRAC CDM, has been arranged under the Improved Coordination of International Climate Finance (ICICF) project supported by the SDG 2030 initiative of the Federal Government of Germany. 

The training has been attended by participants from different ministries, departments, Bangladesh Bank, academia, national-level training institutions, and private sectors. Trainers from E-Co. Ltd, UK and Centre for Climate Change and Environmental Research (C3ER), BRAC University conducted the training. 

Bangladesh is awaiting a tough time ahead owing to the adverse impacts of the climate crisis, and it is one of the worst-hit countries. In such a backdrop, the country needs more climate funding to combat the impending crisis and mitigate the blowbacks. However, Bangladesh’s success rate in terms of submitting climate change project proposals and obtaining external resources from various international sources is still insufficient. This needs serious consideration as the country needs to explore climate financing from different local and international sources. 

The workshop covered a wide range of issues, including the role of the National Designated Authority (NDA) in managing the Green Climate Fund (GCF) as well as requirements for accessing the green climate fund (GCF), Global Environment Facility (GEF) and Adaptation Fund (AF). There were group works, interactive sessions, and open discussions in between different sessions. 

Kabir Ahamed, Joint Secretary, Wing Chief, UN Wing, ERD, said, “Only preparing a project proposal is not enough; learning what needs to be included in a project proposal, what kind of challenges we may face and how a project can be implemented are also very important. We need to involve more stakeholders from the private sectors, especially NGOs and others who are working in the climate sector, in such initiative.”  

 “Our aim is to train people in developing project proposals. While developing a project proposal, you have to connect the proposal with national priorities so that the financers can understand that the demands are in sync with national priority”, shared S. M. Mahbub Alam, Deputy Secretary, ERD. 

Dr. Firdaus Ara Hussain, Principal Advisor, ICICF Project, GIZ, opined, “Bangladesh is the seventh most vulnerable country to climate change. In such a backdrop, this training has been arranged to strengthen the capacity of private and public sector representatives in developing climate change project proposals.”