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Sheikh Hasina unveils AL election manifesto

Sheikh Hasina unveils AL election manifesto

CT News Online

Awami League (AL) President Sheikh Hasina today announced her party's polls manifesto for 2024 general election, vowing to build a developed, prosperous and Smart Bangladesh by 2041.

"Bangladesh will be established as a high-middle-income country by 2031 and a developed, prosperous, smart one by 2041 by the Bangladesh Awami League, the bearer of the spirit of the Liberation War, if the people once again allow us to serve them by voting for the Boat, the AL's electoral symbol," she said.

The AL chief said if the people of the country vote for the AL, her party will give them development, peace, and prosperity.

Sheikh Hasina, also the prime minister, made the remarks after unveiling her party's election manifesto at a city hotel this morning, just 10 days before the 12th parliamentary election slated for January 7.

The slogan of the AL's election manifesto is "Smart Bangladesh where Development Shines, Accelerating Employment" as the manifesto has given priorities to 11 issues.

In the manifesto, the AL vowed to show zero tolerance against corruption and terrorism, alleviate poverty, create employments, ensure service-oriented and accountable administration.

The AL manifesto also put more focus on infrastructure development, freedom of press and the practice of transparency, accountability, good governance as well as strengthened democratic values in all aspects of state management.

It, as well, promised to be tougher against money launderers, to eradicate bribery and corruption at all levels of the state and society, to establish a universal health system, and introduce health insurance.

Sheikh Hasina has made an impassioned appeal to the voters to forgive her party's past mistakes, if it is, since assuming office in 2009 with a "forgive eye".

"We are responsible for all the mistakes during the last 15 years of her government. Success is yours. Look at our mistakes with a forgiving eye. We promise to learn from past mistakes and conduct future activities according to your expectations," she said.

Right now, Bangladesh is standing in a transitional period and the country is going to join the ranks of developing countries from the list of least developed countries, she said, adding that this transition is an honor on one side and a huge challenge on the other hand.

"The government to be formed by the January 7 election must have the capacity to face this challenge. Only the Awami League can face this challenge and take the country to new heights," she said.

Looking forward to the twelfth election, Sheikh Hasina said they have once again appeared before the countrymen with the election manifesto of Bangladesh Awami League.
"As a continuation of the past, this time, we have prepared an implementable election manifesto by setting specific targets. The continuity of the long-term action plans announced in the 2008, 2014, and 2018 election manifestos has also been maintained in the twelfth election manifesto," she said.


The AL chief said they will not claim that they have always been cent percent successful in running the government despite sincerity and devotion.


She continued: "Awami League does not believe in the politics of words. We do what we say. The implementation of election manifestos of 2008, 2014, and 2018 is proof of that."

But at times, she said man-made, natural, and global obstacles slow down Bangladesh's progress, adding that during 2013-16, they had to move forward by confronting the attempts of BNP-Jamaat to spread terrorism and militancy.

Since 2009, they had to deal with several natural disasters while the biggest blow came in 2020 when the global coronavirus pandemic broke out, Sheikh Hasina said, adding that the pandemic devastated economies and health systems around the entire world.

"Our government has successfully handled this terrible pandemic of the 21st century and kept the wheels of the economy running," she said.

However, as soon as the pressure of the coronavirus pandemic stops; first, the Russia-Ukraine war broke out, and this year, the Israel-Palestine war started, she added.

The sanction and counter-sanction against each other have thrown the world economy into turmoil and the least developed and developing countries like Bangladesh are being forced to import products at higher prices, she continued.

The depreciation of the domestic currency has led to an increase in inflation, which has an impact on commodity prices and people's lives, the premier said.

"Several times, despite multifaceted and all-out efforts, we have not been able to curb the rise in prices of daily necessities. This problem is not only for our country, but this problem is also for all rich and poor countries," she said.

However, "we are trying to reduce the plight of the lower and lower-middle-class people through various initiatives, including expanding social safety net coverage. We hope that we can overcome this obstacle very soon, InshaAllah," she added.

Whenever the election comes, the AL chief said an anti-liberation, anti-Bangladesh, and anti-development clique becomes active with a leap of conspiracy.

"They enter the field by using tricks or vote rigging or through the back door to come to power. If they become unsuccessful, they jump on the people to take revenge," she said.

She went on saying that the anti-liberation force want to intimidate the public through arson attack, burning of vehicle, bombing, sabotage, or terrorist activities.

"This time there was no exception. This time, they are also making conspiracies from abroad. Realizing that they will not get the people's mandate, they have already indulged in terrorist activities," she said.

In the name of the hartal-blockade, the AL president said that vehicles are being burnt, people are being killed, railway lines are being rooted up, and various vandalisms are being carried out continuously.

"The charred bodies of the mother and child have deeply shaken everyone's conscience. Such heinous acts can no longer be tolerated. Without getting the response to the people, mercenary forces are continuing this vandalism and damaging the vehicles," she said.

The people of this country will never let them fulfill their dream of disrupting the election through terrorism, she continued.

"As you resisted them in 2013-2016, let us collectively defend them this time. This anti-independence, anti-development vulture party will never be able to wound Bangladesh with their poisonous teeth and claws - let's take this oath in the month of victory," the AL chief said.

She reminded that this country's outstanding achievements- starting from establishing the rights to speak the mother tongue and achieving the motherland's independence, have come through the hands of the Awami League.

The AL president said Bangladesh has been transformed in the last 15 years as today's Bangladesh is by no means poverty-stricken or economically fragile.

 "I can unequivocally say that today's Bangladesh is now a 'Changed Bangladesh.' Bangladesh is now a fast-paced country moving forward with its potential. Minor setbacks cannot hinder our economic progress today," she said.

AL General Secretary Obaidul Quader also spoke at the function.

Convener of the Election Manifesto Sub-Committee Dr Muhammad Abdur Razzaque gave the address of welcome.

Cabinet members, politicians, foreign diplomats, educationists, journalists and eminent personalities of the country were present.

Two video documentaries highlighting the journey of Bangladesh towards prosperity under the leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina were screened at the function.


Sheikh Hasina briefly described the main features of her party's election manifesto depicting their future plans to transform Bangladesh into developed, prosperous and Smart Bangladesh by 2041.

Transition from digital to smart Bangladesh:

AL announced the building of 'Smart Bangladesh as technological capabilities are essential to survive in the global competition in the fourth industrial revolution era, the prime minister said.

"If elected by the people's vote, we will make Bangladesh a hunger-poverty-free smart country by 2041, Inshallah," she said.

Good Governance:

She said Awami League is always active in ensuring people's fundamental and democratic rights.

"If we get elected and form the government, the practice of transparency, accountability, good governance, and democratic values will be strengthened in all aspects of state management," she said.

The AL chief said Bangladesh Awami League is always vocal about the rule of law and human rights.

"The independence and dignity of the judiciary will be preserved. Measures to ensure the independence and effectiveness of the National Human Rights Commission will continue," she added.

Public welfare-oriented, accountable, efficient, and smart administration:

She said efforts will continue to create an efficient, enterprising, IT-based, corruption-free, patriotic, and public welfare-oriented administrative system through recruitment based on merit.

Building a people-friendly law enforcement force:

Bangladesh Awami League has always worked towards establishing a modern, advanced, humane, and people-friendly law and order force, Sheikh Hasina said.

 "Due to this, the capacity of the law enforcement agencies has been immensely enhanced. The law enforcement force of Smart Bangladesh will be made smart and modern," she said.

Zero-tolerance policy against corruption:

"Awami League has adopted a zero-tolerance policy against corruption. To this end, the government has taken a concerted initiative with the people and is working to root out corruption from society," she said.

 "To inculcate an anti-corruption attitude among the students, chapters on the evils of corruption and what to do to prevent corruption will be added to the education curriculum," she said.

Freedom of Media:

Noting that Awami League government has ensured the free flow of information and freedom of media, Sheikh Hasina said arrangements will be made so that journalists cannot face torture, intimidation, or false cases.

"As per the newly enacted law, 'The Cyber Security Act of 2023', the privacy and information of individuals will be protected, and appropriate measures will continue to be taken to prevent misuse," she said.

Terrorism and Communalism

The Awami League is committed to fighting against terrorism, establishing democratic rights of all citizens, and improving people's quality of life, the premier said.

"The supremacy of the constitution in the country's governance, the establishment of the rule of law, and the formation of a society free from terrorism will be ensured," she said.

"Bangladesh is home to people of all religions, castes, and professions. We want a non-communal Bangladesh", she added.

Local Government:

As an integral part of the central budget, local governments at various levels will continue to build capacity for budget formulation and project implementation to achieve balanced development, Sheikh Hasina said.

"The distribution of responsibilities among Zilla Parishad, Upazila Parishad, and Union Parishad will be more precise," she said.



In the last decade and a half, Bangladesh has established itself as a dynamic and fast-growing global economic power.

"If elected, the Awami League government will adopt the necessary policies and strategies to implement the goals and plans. A correlation between market value and income will be established," the AL chief said.

Money Supply and Banking System:

She said import and export trade will be balanced, reducing uncertainty in the supply of foreign exchange.

"Laws will be strictly enforced to recover defaulted loans," she said.

Combating Financial Crime:

She said effective action will be taken against money launderers.

"Eradication of bribery and corruption at all levels of the state and society, prevention of unearned income, and punishment of debt-tax-bill defaulters and corrupt persons will be executed through the judicial system. Their illegal money and property will be confiscated", she added.

Poverty alleviation and inequality reduction:

The AL has set targets to reduce the poverty rate to 11 percent, end extreme poverty, and reduce the poverty rate to 3 percent by 2041.

"If elected, we will implement it," Sheikh Hasina said.

'Amar Gram-Amar Shohor': Extension of Modern Urban Facilities to Every Village:

If AL is elected and form the government, it will continue to improve roads and communication, provide clean water, modern health care, medical treatment and quality education, improve sewage and waste management, increase electricity and fuel supply, ensure computers, and high-speed internet facilities, expand the market for quality consumer goods including electrical appliances, she said.

"We will continue to ensure that every village has all the facilities of a modern town. Self-employment will be arranged in the village to reduce the tendency of the village youth to move towards the city," she added.

Young Youth: 'The Power of Youth - Prosperity of Bangladesh'

If Awami League is elected, the youth will be involved in the transformation and development of Bangladesh as employment opportunities will be expanded for work-worthy, qualified youth and youth, Sheikh Hasina said.

Agriculture, Food and Nutrition:

"If we are elected, support and subsidies for agriculture, i.e., investment support in agricultural materials to increase agricultural production, will continue. Usable agricultural machinery will be made readily available and accessible. Subsidy on agricultural machinery will be continued," she said.

She also said commercial agriculture, biotechnology, genetic engineering, robotics, artificial intelligence, nano-technology, including the development of rural non-agricultural sectors, and suitable strategies will be adopted to deal with globalization.

Particular emphasis will continue to be given to the modernization of agriculture, technological innovation, and expansion of agricultural research facilities, she added.

Fisheries and Livestock

Citing that livestock productivity will be increased by 1.5 times by 2028, she said soft loans, necessary subsidies, technical advice, and policy support will be provided to establish commercial dairy and poultry farms, increase self-employment, and alleviate poverty.

Industrial Development:

"If elected, we will formulate appropriate policies and programs to attract the entrepreneurial class," she said, adding that small, medium, and cottage industries, handloom, and sericulture will be preserved, and competitiveness will be enabled for employment expansion.

"We will take initiatives to diversify leather and jute products and make these industries profitable. Private sector initiatives in the jute industry will be encouraged," she continued.

Electricity and Energy:

Long-term plans have been adopted to increase power generation capacity to 40,000 MW by 2030 and 60,000 MW by 2041, the premier said.

 Ten thousand megawatts of electricity will be produced from clean energy as gas supply will be ensured in the northern and western regions of the country, she said.


Development of waterways, roads, railways, and Bangladesh Biman will continue as safe communication systems will be improved from the capital to villages, she said.


Awami League will increase the budget allocation for the education sector and ensure its effective use.

To implement Smart Bangladesh, more importance will be given to language, higher mathematics, and science education at Secondary and Higher Secondary levels as appropriate laboratories for science education will be expanded to the village level, Sheikh Hasina said.


Health Care and Family Welfare:

In continuation of Vision-2021, basic health, and family welfare services will be enhanced and expanded under the programs of Vision-2041, the AL chief said.

To ensure digital healthcare, a unique health ID will be provided to every person in the country, and hospital automation management will be introduced, she said.

 A Universal Health System will be established to ensure equal health care for all citizens.

Health Insurance will be introduced, and Centers for Non-communicable Disease Treatment and Rehabilitation of Senior Citizens will be set up under the Healthy Aging Scheme, the premier said.

Mental health and autism healthcare facilities at all levels will be made more effective.

Overseas Employment:

The AL will expand the trade-based training system, considering international needs to increase the export of skilled manpower.

"We will continue to take effective measures to provide legal assistance to workers abroad. Legal measures will be taken to safeguard the fair treatment of women workers abroad," Sheikh Hasina said.

Foreign Affairs:

If elected, Bangladesh's development cooperation with all the countries will continue, she said.

Cooperation with neighboring countries will continue in various areas, including cross-border communication, transit, energy partnership, and equitable water sharing, she added.

Besides, the election manifesto focused on women empowerment, fighting climate change and environmental protection, welfare of child, the aged persons, freedom fighters, people with special needs, development of small ethnic communities, ethnic groups and religious minorities, Dalits and neglected communities, Hijra (Transgender) community, development and modernization of defense forces, and strengthening digital land management.