ePaper Bangla

Rich countries fail to keep climate finance promise: PM

Rich countries fail to keep climate finance promise: PM

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Thursday said that the rich countries responsible for global warming are not keeping their promise to help developing nations deal with its consequences though financial assistance.

"The rich countries are not keeping their promises," she told a five-member delegation of European Union led by  EU Commissioner for Home Affairs YIva Johansson during a meeting at her office.

PM's press secretary Ihsanul Karim briefed the reporters after the call on.

In 2009, the developed countries most responsible for global warming pledged to provide $100 billion per year by 2020 to help developing nations deal with its consequences.

The commitment has still not been met, generating mistrust and reluctance among some developing nations to accelerate their emissions reductions.

Ihsanul Karim said that the EU delegation congratulated the PM for massive development of Bangladesh under her leadership.

She said that next year the EU and Bangladesh will celebrate 50 years of diplomatic relations.

They also discussed the migration issue including the Rohingya.

PM Hasina said that Rohingyas are big burden for Bangladesh.

The number is increasing with the birth of new babies every day, she added.

Hasina also said the EU should take steps to end the Russia-Ukraine war, for which the whole world is suffering now.

Talking about the migration of Bangladeshis using risky paths, she said that the government is taking steps to stop this.

"With the help of IOM we have taken back some Bangladeshis," she said.

YIva Johansson Said that EU will continue to support Bangladesh on Rohingya issue.

She mentioned that the EU is currently hosting 4.5 million Ukraine refugees.

She said that there are many Bangladeshis living in the EU countries.

"Some people try to enter the EU countries through the Mediterranean Sea taking risks of their lives. We need manpower, if people from here (Bangladesh) come through legal way then it will be a win-win situation for both," she said.

They also discussed about the climate change issue.

Johansson wanted to know the steps of the Bangladesh to address the impact of climate change.

The prime minister said that Bangladesh government already with its own resources has taken steps for climate change adaptation and mitigation.

She mentioned that many trees are being planted across the country as part of government's efforts at mitigating the effects of climate change. "Bangladesh is able to manage any kind of disaster."

Talking about the women empowerment, the prime minister said women are now working well in every sector because of the policies adopted by her government.

Hasina said her government believes in development from the grassroots. "Our aim is to develop the socioeconomic status of the grassroots people."

Ambassador at Large M Ziauddin and Principal Secretary Ahmad Kaikaus were present among others.