Michigan Senate honors Prime Minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina.On March 9th, the Michigan State Senate held an emergency meeting to confer special honors upon prominent women leaders, including the Prime Minister of Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina, on the occasion of World Women's Day 2023. The Bangabandhu Commission organized a seminar entitled Women Empowerment in coordination with the event. Dr. Rabbi Alam, founder of the Bangabandhu Commission and President of the United States Bangabandhu Parishad, and Minhaj Russell Chowdhury, joint general secretary of the Parishad, received the award from Michigan Senate Committee Senator Paul Wajnow at a press conference organized by the United States Bangabandhu Parishad and Bangabandhu Commission at the Medina Restaurant in Hamtormic City, Michigan State.
This recognition is a rare achievement and honor for Bangladeshis living in both Bangladesh and the United States. Many individuals and organizations were awarded certificates of honor at the event, including the Honorable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, Speaker of the National Parliament Shirin Sharmin Chowdhury, deputy leader of the Jatiya Sangsad Matia Chowdhury, Minister of Education Dr. Dipu Moni, Dr. Rokeya Sultana, Faridun Nahar Laily, Dr. Sammi Ahmed, Rabeya Alim, Mosa, Rahima Begum, Sujit Roy Nandi, Md. Rizvi Alam, late Dr. SA Malek Hero Freedom Fighter (Posthumous), Late Abdul Waresh Khan Hero Freedom Fighter (Posthumous), Late Dr. Roshan Azam Vir Freedom Fighter (Posthumous), Rapid Action Battalion, Dr. Md Yunus Ali Khan Foundation, and Bangabandhu Commission International Promotion Cell.
The press conference was attended by various journalists, and Dr. Rabbi Alam, as the Chairman of the Bangabandhu Commission and President of the United States Bangabandhu Parishad, answered their questions. The event was also attended by many prominent figures, such as Md. Rizvi Alam, general secretary of Spain Awami League and international secretary of Bangabandhu Commission, Dr. Ismat Ara Parveen, Executive Member Bangabandhu Commission International Promotion Cell and President Florida Bangabandhu Parishad, Nurun Nihar Alam Naili, Women's Secretary United States Bangabandhu Parishad, Md Al Masum Khan, Joint International Secretary United States Bangabandhu Parishad and Bangladesh Commissioner Bangabandhu Commission, Bangladesh Director of Bangabandhu Commission and MTV USA Professor Dr. Md Abu Bakar Siddique (Dipu Siddiqui), Engineer Ashraful Alam Tamal, Bangladesh Contributor Bangabandhu Commission International Promotion Cell, Khandkar Safiul Azam Palin EC Member Bangabandhu Commission International Promotion Cell, Sibaji Fakir, Executive Member, Bangabandhu Commission International Publicity Cell, Kabir Hossain, Executive Member Bangabandhu Commission International Promotion Cell, Awlad Hossain,President Sheikh Russel Parishad Saudi Arabia and Executive Member Bangabandhu Commission International Cell, Md. Rajib Khan Executive Member Bangabandhu Commission International Propaganda Cell, Md Taufiqul Islam Executive Member Bangabandhu Commission, Akash Alam Mollah, Member Bangabandhu Commission Campaign Cell, Arif Arman Jisan Michigan State Youth League leader, and others.
Rare Honor for PM Sheikh Hasina from Michigan State Senate