ePaper Bangla

Over hundred ‘political donors’ under net of NBR

Over hundred ‘political donors’ under net of NBR

Political field is heating up ahead of the next general elections. Parties irrespective of organisational strength have started ground works holding rallies, showdowns and mass contacts. In the guise of politics, some organisations may be involved in criminal and militant activities.

There may be a move to collect arms, ammunition and explosives with supports of donors. The government is not indifferent towards the issue.

National Board of Revenue (NBR) is scrutinising files of tax returns of over 100 affluent people of the country. These people are supposed to submit tax worth 25 percent of net income but many have submitted lower amount and other totally dodged it by concealing information in the wealth statements.

NBR is prompted to hold thorough investigation into the persons whose tax files are dubious.

This move corroborates a recent statement of Awami League General Secretary and Road, Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader that sabotage in the name of political programme will not be allowed.

Sources at the NBR said if discrepancy between income and expenditure of any affluent people is found, it will be notified to the government authorities concerned.

These people claimed to have export-import business. Many of them are involved in RMG, backward linkage, real estate, jewellery, and ceramic business. Besides, retired government officials constitute a section of suspects relying on house rents. Majority of these people live in capital Dhaka while others in divisional cities and district headquarters.

According to Central Intelligence Cell of the NBR, family members of these people frequently make overseas visits. They are not involved in business or politics directly. But they maintain remote contact with political parties.