ePaper Bangla

Khaleda to return home from hospital today

Khaleda to return home from hospital today

BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia is going to return home today (Friday) from the capital’s Evercare Hospital after treatment for 13 days for her various health complications, including cardiac ones.

“The medical board at the Evercare is thinking of releasing Madam (Khaleda) from the hospital as the Covid cases are growing fast, said the BNP chief’s personal doctor AZM Zahid Hossain.

He said the doctors will ensure her proper treatment at her home.

“Hopefully, Madam will be discharged from the hospital by the afternoon,” Zahid said.

He said the medical board at the hospital for Khaleda’s treatment will inform the media about her health condition at a press conference at 3pm today.

Khaleda was admitted to Evercare Hospital on June 10 as she suddenly fell ill.

Doctors said she suffered a heart attack due to 95 percent blockage in her left artery and a stent has been placed there by removing the blockage.”

Two more blockages were found in the arteries of the BNP chairperson through a coronary angiogram.

She was shifted to a cabin from the Coronary Care Unit (CCU) on June 15.

Khaleda, a 76-year-old former prime minister, has long been suffering from various ailments, including liver cirrhosis, arthritis, diabetes, kidney, lung and eye problems.