Education Minister Dipu Moni said she was embarrassed to be present as the chief guest at the triennial conference of Thana and Ward unit of Awami League which was held by halting the activities in an educational institute on Monday.
She made the statement while attending an event at International Mother Language Institute in the capital's Shegunbagicha on Wednesday (27 July) evening, confirmed the MA Khayer, senior public relations officer of the Ministry of Education.
On Monday, the triennial conference of Thana and Ward Awami League was organised in Dakshinkhan area of the capital by shutting down five educational institutions.
Education Minister Dipu Moni was present as the chief guest in the conference as she is the joint general secretary of the Central Committee of Awami League.
A report was published in Prothom Alo about this.
In this regard, Dipu Moni said that she went to a political rally in Dakshinkhan of Dhaka. After leaving from there, she came to know that the field where the conference took place is used as a complex by the educational institutions around it.
Later, on inquiry, she was told that the educational activities went on till 2pm, but she expressed doubt whether it was actually true. There is no reason to think that educational activities continued smoothly even after the shades were erected, said the education minister.
The number of playgrounds is decreasing day by day. Open fields except those in educational institutions has become rare.
So, no matter what the event is - political, social, cultural, religious – most of them are held in the fields of educational institutions due to lack of alternatives.
Dipu Moni said, "We have a rough guideline to hold programmes of educational institutions in their own field. But we discourage any outside events in educational institution premises. In some areas there may be no alternative. In that case it is advised that the programme does not hamper educational activities."
She apologised saying, "I am really embarrassed. The incident happened without my knowledge."
Dipu Moni also said that she did not know whether there was an alternative field or not. She requested that whoever conducts any event, whether it be political, social, cultural, religious, do it at an alternative venue.
And if there is no alternative in an area, then events should be held on holidays. They have to ensure that the place is not damaged in any way.
I am embarrassed: Dipu Moni on closing educational institutions to hold AL conference