ePaper Bangla

Dengue claims 10 more lives, 2,361 hospitalised

Dengue claims 10 more lives, 2,361 hospitalised

Ten more dengue patients died in different hospitals across the country in the last 24 hours till on Thursday morning.

With the new deaths, the dengue death toll rose to 225 this year, according to the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS).

At least 2,361 dengue patients were also hospitalised during the period.

Of them, some 1,122 patients are in Dhaka. With the new cases, the total number of dengue cases rose to 42,702, of which 24,798 are from outside Dhaka.

Some 8,467 dengue patients are still undergoing treatment, of which 3,658 outside Dhaka.

A total of 34,010 dengue patients were released from hospitals.

The total number of dengue deaths was 281 last year while the total number of cases was 62,382.