ePaper Bangla

Businesses attacked and looted in Sylhet due to children's quarrel, businessman injured

Businesses attacked and looted in Sylhet due to children's quarrel, businessman injured
Bangladesh Sylhet

A group of miscreants recently attacked and looted several businesses in the South Surma area of Sylhet, triggered by a dispute among children. The incident took a violent turn as the assailants severely injured a local businessman during the ordeal. The targeted attack occurred last Tuesday, May 23, at approximately 8:00 p.m. within a tea shop belonging to the wounded entrepreneur situated at Mominkhala on the Sylhet-Fenchuganj road. Fortunately, the injured businessman received prompt assistance from local residents who swiftly rushed him to Sylhet Osmani Medical College Hospital.

Identified as Abdul Shahed (28), the injured businessman hails from Kuchakhagawra village in the Baniachong police station of Habiganj district. Presently, he resides as a tenant in South Surma's Mominkhala, specifically at the residence of Salim Mier. Abdul Shahed is presently under critical care on the 3rd floor, Ward No. 11 of Sylhet Osmani Hospital.

Meanwhile, Abdul Shahed's brother, Abul Kalam, lodged a complaint at the South Surma Police Station, naming five individuals as defendants and accusing seven to eight others of involvement in the incident. According to the complaint, a dispute regarding the children residing in Zahid's residence, who are neighbors to Abdul Shahed, led to an altercation earlier on Tuesday, May 23, around 4:00 p.m. Subsequently, Abdul Shahed engaged in a discussion with the defendants. Later that evening, around 8 o'clock, Zahid, Irun, Sakil, Shaheen, Rumu, and seven to eight other armed individuals, as mentioned in the complaint, arrived at Abdul Shahed's tea shop adjacent to his residence. They launched a brutal attack on him, employing punches, kicks, and iron pipes without warning. In a horrific turn of events, the miscreants ruthlessly beat Abdul Shahed, causing severe injuries and even looted a sum of Tk 18,200 in cash, along with his mobile phone. Local residents, alarmed by his cries for help, intervened, causing the attackers to flee while issuing threats of further harm.

Law enforcement authorities are currently investigating the matter and working diligently to apprehend the culprits involved in this heinous crime. The police urge anyone with information related to the incident to come forward and assist in the investigation.