ePaper Bangla

BNP proposes 27 point structural reforms of state

BNP proposes 27 point structural reforms of state

The BNP on Monday announced a 27-point comprehensive outline to bring massive reforms in the country's constitution, judiciary and administration framework if it is voted to power.

Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) standing committee member Khandaker Mosharraf Hossain read out the points prioritising the formation of a "National Unity Government" to oust the ruling Awami League government.

A press briefing was held in this regard at a Dhaka hotel on Monday where senior leaders and activists of the party were present.

The outline has been prepared in line with BNP founder and former president Ziaur Rahman's "19-Points" and BNP's "Vision 2030" declared by party Chairperson and former prime minister Khaleda Zia. 

According to BNP's outline, a "national reconciliation commission" will be formed based on nationalism to implement the party's elusive dream of a "Rainbow Nation" – a country of diverse races and cultures and far away from conflicts and divisiveness.

The party also floated the idea of constitutional reforms that will bar anyone from serving as the president and the prime minister for more than two consecutive terms.

The draft was prepared in line with BNP's vision. But we have discussed all the issues at length with like-minded parties which are partners of our simultaneous movement against the government, said the BNP leaders and activists who attend the programme.

The main opposition BNP, with the next parliamentary election a year away, is ramping up its ongoing anti-government movement and electioneering.

BNP also urged all political parties and organisations, currently participating in the ongoing "democratic" movement, to consider their "Outline of the Structural Reforms of the State" for the sake of "greater national interest."

A brief outline of the proposed structural reforms of the state is – 

1. A "Constitution Reform Commission" will be set up to repeal/amend all unreasonable, controversial and undemocratic constitutional amendments. 

2. An inclusive "Rainbow Nation" will be established based on Bangladeshi nationalism, as opposed to the politics of vengeance. A "National Reconciliation Commission" will be formed in this regard. 

3. An "Election Time Non-party Care-Taker Government" system will be introduced. 

4. The executive power of the President, the Prime Minister and the Cabinet of Ministers will be balanced. 

5. No one shall serve as the President and the Prime Minister for more than two consecutive terms. 

6. In addition to the existing legislative system, an 'Upper House of the Legislature' will be established to run the state with expertise. 

7. The issue of amendment of Article 70 of the constitution will be examined, in order to ensure scope to the Members of the Parliament to express an independent opinion in the Parliament. 

8. The existing "Chief Election Commissioner and Other Election Commissioners Appointment Act, 2022" shall be amended.

9. All constitutional, statutory and public institutions will be reconstituted.

10. Effective independence of judiciary will be ensured. 

11. An "Administrative Reforms Commission" shall be set up for restructuring the administration.

12. A 'Media Commission' will be set up for comprehensive reforms.

13. There will be no compromise on corruption. A white paper will be published on investigating money-laundering and corruption. "Ombudsman" will be appointed as given under the constitution.

14. Rule of law will be established at all levels. Human rights will be implemented as per Universal Human Rights Charter.

15. An "Economic Reforms Commission" consisting of experts will be constituted.

16. Every individual will enjoy the right to perform respective religious activities based on the principle of "Religion belongs to respective individual; state belongs to all."

17. Fair wages of the working class will be ensured in keeping with inflation.

18. All black laws including the Indemnity Act in the power, energy and mineral sector will be repealed.

19. The national interest of Bangladesh will be given the highest priority in case of foreign relations. No terrorist activity shall be tolerated on the soil of Bangladesh. Stern measures shall be taken against terrorism, extremism and militancy. The use of terrorism as political tool to suppress the dissents and opposition political parties by misusing the anti-terrorist law will be stopped. This will facilitate identify the real terrorists and ensure punishment under the process of law.

20. The Armed Forces shall be appropriately developed imbibed with the supreme spirit of patriotism for safeguarding the sovereignty of the country.

21. Local government institutions will be made more independent, strong and empowered for greater decentralization of power.

22. A list of the martyrs of the liberation war will be prepared under state initiative.

23. Modern and time-befitting youth development policies will be formulated in keeping with the vision, thoughts and aspirations of the youth. Unemployed educated youth will be given 'Unemployment Allowance' till he/she gets employed, or for one year, whichever occurs earlier. Increase in age-limit for entry into the government service will be considered in keeping with the international standard.

24. Specific programs will be adopted to ensure women-empowerment.

25. Need-based and knowledge-based education will be given priority.

26. Based on the principle of "health for all", universal health care will be introduced in line with "NHS" in the United Kingdom.

27. Fair price of agricultural produce will be ensured.