ePaper Bangla

BIFS Commemorative Gathering: Advancing Nation, Spirit of Liberation War"

BIFS Commemorative Gathering: Advancing Nation, Spirit of Liberation War"

Mst. Irin Nahar:

On the eve of National Mourning Day, an enlightening discussion was convened on Tuesday, August 15, 2023, focusing on the life and ideology of Bangabandhu. Birmuktijoddha Subir Kushari, the General Secretary of Bangladesh-India Friendship Association, chaired the event held on a Zoom Webinar, organized by the Bangladesh -India Friendship Society. The seminar was privileged to have Brigadier General (retd.) Dr. Md. Shahjahan as the esteemed chief guest.

Former Vice-Chancellor and Founder Chairman of JANIPOP, Prof. Dr. Major Nazmul Ahsan Kalimullah, BNCCO, was present as keynote speaker.

The seminar was graced by the presence of distinguished speakers, including Associate Professor Dr. Saber Chowdhury from Dhaka University, Dr. Tanveer Fittin Abir, and the Honorary Professor Abdus Sattar Dulal, UN Disability Rights Champion. The event was also honored by the special participation of Didarul Haque.

During his presidential address, Subir Kushari reverently remembered the Father of the Nation, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. He highlighted Bangabandhu's pivotal role in founding three essential institutions: Bangladesh Awami League, Bangladesh Bharat Maitri Samiti, and the Islamic Foundation. Subir Kushari underlined that every facet of Bangladesh's growth was touched by Bangabandhu's visionary leadership.

Brigadier General (retd.) Dr. Md. Shahjahan expressed that Bangabandhu liberated Pakistanis from oppression and subjugation, hoisting the banner of an independent nation. He emphasized that the ideals of Bangabandhu must resonate with the youth to shape the future.

Professor Dr. Major Nazmul Ahsan Kalimullah BNCCO accentuated that building a prosperous "Sonar Bangla" as per the father of the nation's principles would serve as the greatest tribute.

Dr. Saber and Dr. Tanveer Fittin Abir echoed the sentiment that the new generation should draw inspiration from the spirit of the liberation war to contribute to the nation's advancement.

Abdus Sattar Dulal advocated for honest efforts in propelling the country forward within the spirit of the liberation war to forge a developed Bangladesh.

Didarul Haque's call to embrace the liberation war's ethos resonated with all, as a shared endeavor to shape a progressive Bangladesh.

The meeting included addresses by Yasmin Ara, Taufiq Khan, HM Eamon, Janipop National Volunteer Ferdous Wahid Bappi, and Saiful Islam Khan. Speakers united in urging for stringent legal action against those responsible for plotting the assassination of the Father of the Nation, ensuring exemplary justice.

The seminar was skillfully moderated by Dr. Dipu Siddiqui, the Country Director of Bangabandhu Commission USA ,the Chairman of Education Department at Royal University of Dhaka, and the Editor of Daily Presswatch.

N.Nijhum and Engineer Shafiul Basshar from Dhaka University participated in the seminar, reflecting the event's diverse audience and its resonance across the academic spectrum.