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Work underway on Benazir's visit to US: Home minister

Work underway on Benazir's visit to US: Home minister

Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan said that work is "in progress" regarding Bangladesh Inspector General of Police (IGP) Benazir Ahmed's visit to the United Nations (UN) police chiefs' summit due in September at UN headquarters in New York.

"The United States and the United Nations have relations and an agreement between them. Based on that, the government is working on Benazir's visit to the summit," said the minister after a meeting with US Ambassador to Dhaka Peter Haas at the Secretariat on Tuesday (16 August).

The United States on 10 December, 2021, sanctioned IGP Benazir and six other former and serving commanders in the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) for their human rights violations. 

Given the restrictions, whether Benazir Ahmed will be able to attend the summit in New York or not, came up for discussion.

Earlier, on 8 August, Foreign Secretary Masud Bin Momen said if there are no difficulties, Benazir Ahmed can attend the summit.

In response to Peter Haas' concern about the election time law and order situation, the home minister informed the US Ambassador that the law enforcement and administration basically come under the Election Commission during a national election. 

"The Prime Minister will do her work during the election, '' he told reporters.

Peter Haas also raised questions about why the investigation report carried out over any election time violence is not made public. Home Minister said the accounts which are publishable are published.

In Barguna on Monday, the clash between the leaders and activists of the two sides of the Chhatra League and the subsequent beating of the leaders and activists by the police went too far, the Home Minister said.

After the meeting with the home minister, the US ambassador told reporters that Bangladesh has done enough to prevent human trafficking. 

Peter Haas also said the US wants to strengthen the relationship with Bangladesh and discussed what steps can be taken to do so.