ePaper Bangla

The Proximity of Virtue : Happiness, Comfort, and the Quest for Sustainable Development

The Proximity of Virtue : Happiness, Comfort, and the Quest for Sustainable Development

In our pursuit of happiness and comfort, we often find ourselves pondering the difference between the two. The words of Abdullah Abu Syeed sir resonate deeply as he points out that money and love can bring happiness in life, but not necessarily comfort. So, where does comfort lie? In my opinion, it can be found in the little things in life, but the great minds of history, such as Socrates, Vidyasagar, Rabindranath, and Einstein, were not necessarily happy individuals. However, their profound impact on the world illuminates the importance of pursuing noble causes.

The proximity of virtuous individuals can brighten people's lives and bring true solace. The companionship of a good person can change lives, offering a sense of fulfillment that goes beyond mere happiness. One such individual is the Ekushey Medal Awarded Educationist valiant Freedom Fighter, and relentless researcher, Prof. Dr. Bikiran Prasad Barua. His presence brings solace to the new generation of knowledge-hungry minds and serves as an inspiration for the pursuit of wisdom and unity.

Professor Dr. Bikiran Prasad Barua has dedicated himself to organizing Seminars and Symposiums on World Peace, tirelessly researching ways to foster unity among people of different religions. A man of science, he delves deep into theology, exploring comparative religion, and fostering discussions on peace-building. His efforts are undoubtedly contributing to peace in the country and the world, addressing the lack of moral values in society.

While material progress has surged in the country under the ruling Awami League government, it is essential to focus on the development of mental and moral values to ensure sustainable progress. Corruption remains a significant hurdle to overcome in achieving lasting development. To create a faith-based society with strong moral values is crucial for building a sustainable future.

In this context, the impact of religion on development and peace-building becomes a significant topic of discussion. Professor Dr. Bikiran Prasad Barua's valuable insights into this matter can lead to substantial contributions during seminars and symposiums. Such discussions provide a platform to address the challenges and opportunities in fostering moral values and promoting peace.

As we move forward, we must remember that happiness and comfort are not mutually exclusive. We can find comfort in the little things that bring us joy, but true happiness can be achieved through meaningful connections, noble pursuits, and acts of selflessness. The presence of virtuous individuals can guide us towards a more fulfilling and purposeful life.

In conclusion, the proximity of virtuous individuals brightens our lives and brings genuine happiness that goes beyond personal comfort. Great minds throughout history have shown that pursuing noble causes and dedicating oneself to meaningful pursuits can have a profound impact on the world. Dr. Bikiran Prasad Barua's dedication to fostering unity and peace through discussions on religion and development offers hope for a more morally grounded and harmonious society. By embracing such principles, we can move towards a future of sustainable development and lasting happiness.

Author : Md Abu Bakar Siddique widely known as Dr Dipu Siddiqui Chairman and Associate Professor of Royal University of Dhaka Education Department.  And former producer and senior reporter Tara TV India. email:[email protected]