Popular actors Tawsif Mahbub and Keya Payel are pairing for an Eid drama, Jaan Korban.
Directed by Muhammad Miftah Anaan, the story centers around the fun incidents that happen during Eid-al-Adha.
SK Shahed Ali Pappu, producer, said, "There is as much comedy in this story as there is reality. On the day of Eid-al-Adha, a lot of memorable things happen along with the sacrifice of a family's cow. Tousif will be seen having trouble in his mission to find the perfect cow and there is also romance in this story. I hope the audience will get a different flavour in this drama."
Jaan Korban will be released on CMV's YouTube channel during this Eid-al-Adha.
Tawsif Mahbub and Keya Payel to star in new Eid drama Jaan Korban