ePaper Bangla

Seven kg heroin seized from 'drug dealer' Ziarul's iron safe

Seven kg heroin seized from 'drug dealer' Ziarul's iron safe

A drug dealer was arrested at Godagari in Rajshahi district on Monday along with a large quantities of heroin, phensidyl, cash and gold jewelries.

A Rajshahi district police team arrested him at about 3:45am on Monday.

Arrested 'drug dealer' Ziarul Islam is the son of late Abdul Latif of village Kosaipara Achuavata under Godagari municipal area.

It was stated at a press briefing held at Rajshahi district police super's office on Monday morning.

Police super ABM Masud Hossain said a raid led by Godagari Circle's assistant police super Sohel Rana and Godagari Model Police Station OC Qamrul Islam was conducted into the residence of Ziarul Islam based on intelligence reports.

At the initiatl stage, 500 grams heroin was seized searching Ziarul's residence. However, police had information that there was a large quantities of drugs inside the house. Afterward, police started searching the house based on the intelligence reports.

At one stage, they found a vault covered with cloth. When Ziarul was asked to provide the keys, he refused to do so. Later, local Fire Service was informed. Taking a long time, they succeeded to cut down the iron-safe and found 7kg of heroine, 18 bottles of phensidyl, cash Tk 24.50 lakh and 25 bhories of gold jewelries.

The market value of the seized heroin is Tk 7.5 crore, while the price of gold ornaments is Tk 20 lakh. So, the value of the seized goods is Tk 7.95 crore.

The police super further said Ziarul is a listed drug dealer. There was a case against him filed earlier. Ziarul and his accomplices earned huge wealth getting involved in drug selling.