The Russian Foreign Ministry has blamed the US for violating rules in pushing Wednesday’s resolution at the United Nations condemning annexation of Ukrainian territories, describing it as a confrontational and deplorable initiative.
“Overall, the adoption of this resolution has confirmed Western resolve first and foremost to attain its own geopolitical goals in opposition to Russia, to preserve its waning monopoly in global affairs, and to sow discord among member states of the General Assembly. It is also apparent that this confrontational initiative is not aimed at finding a peaceful solution but at drawing out the conflict in Ukraine,” the ministry said in a statement on Thursday night.
The resolution condemns the referendums held in the Donetsk and Lugansk people’s republics and the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Thursday that the resolution was "anti-Russian" and that it had been achieved using "diplomatic terror", TASS news agency reported.
Russia maintains that the referendums were held in full compliance with the UN Charter, the norms and principles of international law and the 1970 Declaration on Principles of International Law, which only guarantees the territorial integrity of states “possessed of a government representing the whole people belonging to the territory without distinction as to race, creed or colour”.
“The Kiev regime obviously did not and does not satisfy this criterion, considering its use of terrorist methods against civilians and infrastructure.
“This deplorable initiative repeats much of the UN Security Council document, which Russia vetoed on September 30. The Western delegations have moved the discussion of the Ukrainian issue from the Security Council to the General Assembly, as they have many times before, thereby suggesting that the Security Council is unable to fulfil its main responsibility of maintaining international peace and security,” the ministry said.
“This resolution has nothing to do with defending the principles of the UN Charter. Statements on commitment to international law made by the United States and other Nato countries are nothing but evidence of their policy of double standards,” the statement reads.
It explains: “In a situation where member states were subjected to colossal pressure, up to and including the threat of sanctions, Russia proposed holding a secret vote on the draft resolution. This would clearly give many delegations an opportunity to express their real position on the matter without fearing the consequences of decisions which Washington and its satellites regard as wrong.
“However, our proposal was rejected following underhanded procedural manoeuvres orchestrated by our opponents in violation of the existing rules of the UN General Assembly.”
The ministry said the document has not received unequivocal support, “despite all the tricks and unprecedented pressure, including direct threats of denying financial assistance or humanitarian aid for refusing to do as Washington says”.
Fifty states abstained or did not take part in the vote. “There are large and influential players among those who refused to yield to external pressure, such as Algeria, China, Ethiopia, India, Iran, Pakistan and South Africa.
“We are especially grateful to Belarus, the People’s Democratic Republic of Korea, Nicaragua and Syria for their resolve and commitment to principles.”
Russia alleges underhanded manoeuvres by opponents at UNGA