ePaper Bangla

Professor Imtiaz relieved of DU’s Center for Genocide Studies

Professor Imtiaz relieved of DU’s Center for Genocide Studies

Professor Imtiaz Ahmed has been relieved of the post of director of Center for Genocide Studies at Dhaka University amid criticism of distorting the history of Liberation War in a book written by him.

The university vice-chancellor Professor Md Akhtaruzzaman appointed Professor Sheikh Hafizur Rahman as the new director of Center for Genocide Studies, said a press release of public relations office of the university on Tuesday.

Recently former Supreme Court justice AHM Shamsuddin Choudhury Manik writes an opinion on an online portal. In the opinion, he alleged that Professor Imtiaz writes a book in 2009 where the latter defamed Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and distorted the history of the Liberation War.

The university authorities formed a five-member committee, led by Professor Fakrul Alam, director of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Research Institute for Peace and Liberty, to investigate the matter.

Professor Imtiaz Ahmed has been relieved of his post before submitting the probe report of the committee.

However, Professor Imtiaz rejected the allegations raised against his book and said the book has been misread.