ePaper Bangla

PIBJAA's Embarking on the Path of Excellence : A Candidate's Journey of Self-Discovery and Visionary Leadership

PIBJAA's Embarking on the Path of Excellence : A Candidate's Journey of Self-Discovery and Visionary Leadership

In the race for the Vice President position, Dr. Dipu Siddiqui is ready to take the lead. However, his approach to this competition is far from conventional. Dr. Siddiqui believes in upholding the truth and refuses to accept a foundation built on lies. He emphasizes the importance of education among the participants, asserting that holding grudges over minor positions is beneath the intellectual stage they all occupy.

Dr. Siddiqui's aspiration extends beyond simply creating another organization. He envisions transforming it into an exemplary model that can serve as an ideal for the entire nation. From the very beginning, he voiced his opposition to elections within the so-called democratic system. Instead, he advocates for a system where those who possess the time and qualifications can propose themselves for positions. Dr. Siddiqui is motivated to work from his post and believes that decisions regarding multiple candidates or servants in one role should be made collectively, giving everyone a fair chance.

The idea of electing an organization that incurs significant expenses while offering little benefit appears absurd to Dr. Siddiqui. He criticizes the practice of presenting oneself as costly and knowledgeable in the election market, only to return to a state of insignificance once the campaign is over. While some may consider his viewpoint unusual, Dr. Siddiqui argues that the culture of mutual disrespect and the flaws inherent in the conventional democratic system are far from pleasant, especially in the presence of a highly educated crowd on this platform.

He reminds everyone that they have gathered here with a common purpose, not seeking personal gain. Their main goal should be to contribute to each other's happiness and support one another through good and bad times. This is not a political platform, and personal political philosophies should not cause division. Dr. Siddiqui suggests that differences of opinion can be addressed on other platforms, leaving this space solely for the welfare of the community.

To him, participating in the election is more important than winning or losing. It signifies a significant commitment. At the end of the day, everyone is united. However, if unity cannot be achieved, Dr. Siddiqui proposes breaking away from the game altogether. He claims to have gained extensive experience and insights, having floated through a myriad of laws. However, his focus is not on comprehending the complexities of these laws, but rather on understanding and loving people and dedicating himself to their welfare.

Dr. Siddiqui urges voters to consider his sincerity and inner struggle before casting their votes. He questions whether he can remain steadfast in his commitment to the welfare of Pibja, constantly examining his conscience. Despite not personally reaching out for votes, he believes that understanding his perspective will inspire forgiveness and support. Dr. Siddiqui promises to return as a stronger individual, visiting each door and humbly serving the community. He concludes with boundless love and respect for the voters.

Modest and determined, Dr. Dipu Siddiqui stands as a candidate for the Vice President position, driven by his unwavering dedication to the betterment of PIBJJA.