ePaper Bangla

No scope to take Hefazat’s statement lightly: Gono Commission

No scope to take Hefazat’s statement lightly: Gono Commission

Gono Commission, a body coordinated by Ekattorer Ghatak Dalal Nirmul Committee, has condemned the statement issued by Hefazat-e-Islam Bangladesh for submitting a list of 116 Islamic preachers to Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) by the body.

Tureen Afroz, member secretary of Gono Commission, in statement on Thursday said the statement issued by Hefazat-e-Islam is not to be taken lightly.

The statement said, “We have seen the statement issued by Hefazat-e-Islam Ameer Shah Muhibullah Babungari, which is published in media today. Our white paper has been prepared on the basis of statements and evidence from terrorism experts, researchers, journalists, human rights leaders and students and teachers of various madrasas controlled by Hefazat after one year of investigations.”

“It is the responsibility of the concerned authorities to prove whether our investigation and allegations are true,” said the statement.

Whether the allegations are substantiated or not, the statement of Hefazat shows that it is a part of a conspiracy against the constitution and Bangladesh, it added.

The statement further said, “Hefazat-e-Islam has issued the statement by threatening us. There is no scope to take it lightly.”

Earlier, in a statement Hefazat-e-Islam said, “So-called Gono Commission has shown extreme audacity by submitting a list of 116 prominent ulama-mashayekhs and Islamic preachers to the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC).”

On Wednesday, a five-member delegation led by former justice AHM Shamsuddin Choudhury Manik handed over a list of 116 Islamic preachers to ACC chairman Moinuddin Abdullah.