ePaper Bangla

Maleque: Cholera vaccination campaign to start June 26

Maleque: Cholera vaccination campaign to start June 26

Health Minister Zahid Maleque on Tuesday said work is underway to inaugurate the cholera vaccination program on June 26. 

The minister made the announcement after a function at iccdr,b in the capital’s Mohakhali, reports Bangla Tribune.

He said that the cholera vaccine is very effective. 

“Outbreaks appear to be less where cholera vaccination is done. Rohingyas have been vaccinated and the same results were found there as well,” he added.

Prof Dr Abul Bashar Mohammed Khurshid Alam, director general of Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS), mentioned that the vaccination program will start in the South of Dhaka.

“The vaccination centres will have a spot registration system. After vaccination, everyone will get a vaccination card,” he observed.

Dr Firdausi Qadri, acting senior director of iccdr,b, said that the vaccines were taken from Gavi, an international organization.