Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited has been recognized by Bangladesh Bank for disbursing
highest amount of investment under government incentive scheme for agriculture
sector. Fazle Kabir, Governor, Bangladesh
Bank handed over the recognition letter to Mohammed Monirul Moula, Managing
Director and CEO of IBBL at a program held in Bangladesh Bank on 18 May 2022. A
K M Sajedur Rahman Khan, Deputy Governor, Md. Awlad Hossain Chowdhury,
Executive Director & Abdul Hakim, General Manger of
Bangladesh Bank and Dr. Md. Ruhul Amin, Head of Agriculture Investment Division
of IBBL were present on the occasion. Mentionable that IBBL disbursed Tk. 491
crore under government incentive refinance scheme for agriculture which is 109% of allocation by
Bangladesh Bank.
Islami Bank recognized for highest disbursement of incentive agri-investment