Sheikh Hasina has reminded the Jatiya Party of the “torture” during the BNP-Jamaat-e-Islami coalition government, recalling how its top leaders, along with those of the Awami League, had “suffered”.
The prime minister remembered the days of BNP founder Ziaur Rahman and his wife Khaleda Zia’s rules during a discussion in parliament on Sunday on a condolence motion over the death of Syeda Sajeda Chowdhury and Sheikh Anne Rahman.
“Every Awami League leader and worker was subjected to torture by Ziaur Rahman. Not just only us, those in opposition now – the Leader of the Opposition Raushon Ershad, HM Ershad [late Jatiya Party founder] and Anwar Hossain Manju – were tortured no less.”
Hasina recalled the arrest of the late Deputy Leader of Parliament Sajeda and Awami League leader Matia Chowdhury during Ziaur Rahman's tenure. "Khaleda Zia did exactly the same thing.”
The Awami League president said Khaleda’s government denied Raushon division in prison although the Jatiya Party leader deserved it as a holder of a master’s degree. “Even Ershad was left with the ordinary inmates.”
Hasina said former Air Force chief Jamal Uddin was arrested in a case over a stolen watch during the BNP-Jamaat government. “This is how they tortured people. But the Jatiya Party seems to have forgotten about that torture now. Many have forgotten that."
On the other hand, she said, BNP Chairperson Khaleda is out on suspended sentences in two corruption cases because the government considered her health on humanitarian grounds. “But Khaleda Zia didn’t do that.”
Highlighting Sajeda Chowdhury’s sacrifice for the Awami League, Hasina said the party “never lost its direction” because leaders like Sajeda helmed it out of crisis despite repeated arrests during Ziaur Rahman, Khaleda and Ershad’s rules.
Sheikh Anne was the wife of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's cousin and former lawmaker Sheikh Hafizur Rahman.
Her father Enayet Hossain Khan was also an MP from the erstwhile Bakerganj-16 constituency and had served as the president of Pirojpur district's Awami League unit.
“Anne was involved in politics from childhood. Even when she was studying at Eden College, she was involved with the Chhatra League. Many may not know that she could sing well,” Hasina recalled.
Hasina also remembered British Queen Elizabeth II during the discussion on the condolence motion.
"Queen Elizabeth was a symbol of motherhood for the people of Great Britain because of her human qualities. With a mother's compassion, she watched and cared for the people of Great Britain. She also had sympathy for the Commonwealth countries.”
Hasina says many have forgotten ‘torture’ during BNP-Jamaat government