ePaper Bangla

Govt steps save no more than 1,500MW of electricity a day

Govt steps save no more than 1,500MW of electricity a day

Although the government has introduced various initiatives to save energy across the nation, only 1,500MW of electricity is being saved every day.

Mohammad Hossain, director general (DG) of Power Cell, said this while speaking to Bangla Tribune.

Earlier, the government issued directives regarding a scheduling of area-based load shedding and closure of shops by 8pm to save 2,000MW of electricity amid the global energy crisis caused by the Russia-Ukraine war.

On July 19, the Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources announced the area-wise load shedding as a cutback measure.

Mohammad Hossain said: “Considering the global energy situation, we decided to save on electricity. Now, about 1,000 MW of electricity is being saved through area-based load shedding, while an additional 500MW is being saved by closing shops after 8pm.”

“It is expected that another 500MW will be saved if the decision taken about weekend holidays in industries is implemented. This month will be difficult. Hopefully, the load shedding will come down from next month,” he added.

The DG noted that even though shops close after 8pm in Dhaka, the picture is different at the district and upazila levels.

According to some sources, there is no administrative manpower to exert pressure on the shops there and have them close by 8pm.

Sources at the Power Division and Bangladesh Power Development Board said that officials initially thought that the scheduled load shedding would save 2,000MW.

Then there was an insistence on closing the shops after 8pm. Even so, the savings target was not achieved. As such, it became difficult to fix the load shedding schedule of the Power Division, they added.

According to the Power Division, the government has taken initiatives to save energy due to the increase in the price of oil and LNG in the world market. It will take another two and a half months to come out of this situation.

The sources also said that once the temperature drops from October, the cooling load of 2,500-3,000MW will decrease (electrical fans and AC).

It will then be possible to remove extra load shedding. In the meantime, if the price of fuel oil falls in the world market, it will be possible to return to the previous situation.

Energy expert Dr Ijaz Hossain said: “As the dollar is higher, fuel prices are also higher. The amount of electricity we can generate with gas is not possible with oil. There is no saving option for this. Common people must be made aware of this situation.”

“If the government just sits around making announcements, that won't work either. Instructions must be strictly implemented. If not, the common people will continue to suffer,” he continued.

Recently, Education Minister Dr Dipu Moni said, considering saving electricity, the holiday of educational institutions can be spread over two days.

“Some private companies in the country have also given their employees the chance to work from home outside weekends to save electricity. Power-saving initiatives of as much as 25% are being implemented in government institutions as well. Electricity consumption should be reduced wherever there is an opportunity,” she observed.