ePaper Bangla

AL gets worried about BNP’s programme: Fakhrul

AL gets worried about BNP’s programme: Fakhrul

BNP secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir has said that Awami League becomes upset whenever they heard about the programme of their (BNP) party.

He made this comment in a statement on Friday condemning the attack in a doa mahfil arranged by Bhobaniganj unit BNP in Rajshahi seeking the recovery of its chairperson Khaleda Zia.

Mirza Fakhrul said, “Bhobaniganj unit BNP arranged a doa mahfil seeking the recovery of Khaleda Zia prior taking permission from police. The attack carried out by police in the programme is unprecedented.”

He said that the police have become so reckless that they are carrying out terrorist attacks to thwart religious programme organized by the BNP. The extreme form of brutal fascism of the government has been revealed through this incident, said Mirza Fakhrul.

The government has created a structure of terror across the country to hide its involvement in price hike of essentials, money laundering and corruption, said the BNP secretary general.

BNP leaders and workers are becoming victims of these terror activities, said Fakhrul adding that many leaders and workers are being killed and injured.

He said that this government has adopted various violent methods to cling to illegal power by uprooting democracy. Even before and after the holy Eid, the excess of Awami League-led terrorism did not stop, he added.